Profile of MEC Health

  Dr. B. Malakoane

Dr. B. Malakoane obtained an MBChB degree at MEDUNSA, M Fam.Med and MDP at the University of the Free State, OUBEP (Oxford University Business Economics) from Oxford University and CPMD from the Municipal Finance Forum Wits Business School.

He is a Certified IOD director and a member of the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa, a Certified Balanced Scorecard Professional and Strategist, a Certified Prosci Change Management Practitioner and a Certified Water Auditor.  He is an Executive Member of SAAWU (South African Association of Water Utilities); he is also a distinguished member of the IWA (International Water Association) Fellowship Program.

Dr. Malakoane has varied knowledge of the Administrative and Governance Laws, Corporate Governance and Board Effectiveness, Public Administration and Governance, Service Delivery and Budget implementation Programming, Performance Management Systems and Development and Resource Planning.

Malakoane returns to the Free State provincial cabinet for the second time as the MEC for the Department of Health. He was the MEC for economic development, tourism and environmental affairs. He later became the municipal manager of the Matjhabeng Local Municipality. In 2009, he was appointed as the chairperson of the board of Bloemwater and a year later he became the CEO.