The Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation (DSACR) is proud
to announce that online registrations for the 3rd Free State O.R. Tambo Marathon are
now open.
The Free State O.R. Tambo marathon will be hosted at the heart of South
Africa in the historic city of Mangaung. The marathon will be hosted in collaboration
with the Free State Sport Confederation (FSSC), Free State Athletics (FSA) and
Achilles Running Club
Only online entries will be accepted in order to ease the
process of registration and time keeping.
Named after one of South Africa’s architects of freedom and democracy, Mr. Oliver
Reginald Tambo, it is expected that this marathon will draw a large number of
athletes locally and internationally to compete for lucrative prizes that are up for
The objective of the Free State O.R. Tambo Marathon is to deepen and
promote social cohesion, mpo bos, enhance nation building and national identity, and encourage
healthy lifestyles among the citizenry. Participants will compete in four (4) categories,
42.2 KM marathon
21.1 KM half-marathon
10 KM run and
5 KM fun run
The Free State O.R. Tambo Marathon will take place on Sunday 25 November 2018
and will start and finish at the Free State Rugby Stadium in Mangaung. All
registration details can be accessed on
entry fee for the 42.2 KM marathon is R200 but adults aged 60 years and above will
only pay R100. For the 21.1 KM half marathon, the entry fee is R140 but adults aged
60 years and above will only pay R70. The entry fee for the 10 KM run is R100 but
adults aged 60 years and above will only pay qqalienpoker R50 while the entry fee for the 5 KM
Fun Run is R50 for all. Non-ASA registered runners will be expected to buy a
temporary license number at R50. A total amount of R740 000 in prize money is up
for grabs between the 42.2 KM, 21.1 KM and 10 KM road races.
The closing date for online entries is 18 November 2018. Club registrations will take
place at Achilles Running Club (Corner Att Horak Street & Parfitt Avenue) from
17h00 until 20h00 from 21-23 November 2018. Club registrations will further take
place at Achilles Running Club from 09h00 until 15h00 on 24 November 2018.
Free State O.R. Marathon is staged according to IAAF, ASA, AFS and competition
specific rules. No entries will be expected on the day of the race.
“The Free State O.R. Tambo Marathon was conceptualized to celebrate the spirit of
Comrade Oliver Reginald Manyane Tambo in appreciation and recognition of the
sacrifice and contribution made by this gallant in our country’s struggle for freedom.
Comrade Tambo had a vision for a free, fair and equal society, and we celebrate him
through this marathon. The tenacious and resilient spirit of Comrade Oliver Tambo
will be re-lived by our athletes as they embark on various races during this marathon.”
said MEC Mathabo Leeto.
Your media house is invited to attend this event.
Issued by the Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation
Tankiso Zola
Director: Communication and IT
Cell: 082 940 2392
Tel: 051 – 410 4735/4786/4742
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