News — 22 May 2018
Women Encouraged To Speak out Against Violence


Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Bathabile Dlamini, has called on women to speakout against violence.

The Minister said this at a time when there is an increase in reports of women falling victim to horrific
acts of abuse and murder at the hands of their intimate partners.

“Fellow South Africans, one of the challenges to fighting the scourge of violence continues to be silence
from victims, perpetrators, their families and communities.

“I encourage all women to stand up and speak up against violence,” she said. Dlamini was speaking
during her department’s Budget Vote in parliament on Thursday.

 She applauded the media for their increasing efforts in publicising and exposing cases of gender-based

“The media, like other sectors of society such as schools and religious institutions, has a key role to play
in ending patriarchy,” she said.

“Our government and the judiciary have taken great strides in addressing challenges faced by women
living in rural areas,” the Minister said.

The Minister added that the department would continue to push for government departments across all
spheres of government to prioritise gender mainstreaming in their budgets.

“To this end, we will continue our advocacy work with the National Treasury and the Department of
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation to ensure that every government department and every state entity
mainstreams gender within their planning, monitoring and budgeting systems.

“The aim is to ensure that government budget allocations at all spheres contribute to gender equality
and women’s empowerment,” she said.

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