The Premier’s specific role and function, separate from that of the rest of the executive, is defined in the Constitution as: assenting to and signing Bills, referring a Bill back to the provincial legislature for reconsideration of the Bill’s constitutionality etc..
Visit our official website at: www.premier.fs.gov.za

The Department of Education’s vision includes smart service delivery of quality public education, to promote a dynamic citizenship for socioeconomic growth and development. The department aims to be at the cutting edge of curriculum delivery, providing access to quality lifelong learning opportunities.
Visit our official website at: www.education.fs.gov.za

The Free State Department of Health provides quality, accessible and comprehensive Health Services to the Free State community. The Department also optimally utilizes resources to provide caring and compassionate services, empowers and develops all personnel and stakeholders
Visit our official website at: www.health.fs.gov.za

The goal of the Department of Roads and Public Transport is to improve the mobility and accessibility of Free State citizens, particularly the poor, and to develop transport and socioeconomic infrastructure that helps them to participate meaningfully in economic and social activities.
Visit our official website at: www.publicworks.fs.gov.za

The Department of Social Development aims to meet the human and social needs of the poor and vulnerable communities of the Free State through an inter-sectoral and integrated developmental social service.
Visit our official website at: www.socdev.fs.gov.za

The Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation aims to identify, develop and promote a sustainable Free State craft market; develop and promote Free State dancers and encourage cultural exchange etc.
Visit our official website at: www.sacr.fs.gov.za

The Free State Provincial Treasury works to balance the allocation of financial and other resources to areas that support inclusive economic growth and job creation, and enhanced social service delivery. It ensures that resources allocated to departments are used effectively to help create jobs etc.
Visit our official website at: www.treasury.fs.gov.za

Visit our official website at: www.ard.fs.gov.za

Visit our official website at: www.cogta.fs.gov.za

Visit our official website at: www.humansettlements.fs.gov.za

Visit our official website at: www.policeroadstransport.fs.gov.za

Visit our official website at: www.destea.gov.za