Note: The following documents are PDF files. If you do not have a reader for the PDF format, you may either go to for a free PDF reader, or to Adobe Acrobat Reader for a proprietary reader. Both alternatives supports several platforms.
- Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Act
- Appropriation Act
- Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act
- Division of Revenue Act
- Military Ombud Act
- Further Education and Training Colleges Amendment Act
- Finance Act
- Additional Adjustments Appropriation Act (2011/12 Financial Year)
- Tax Administration Act
- Skills Development Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Amendment Act
- Adjustments Appropriation Act
- South African Post Office SOC Ltd Act
- Higher Education Laws Amendment Act
- Division of Revenue Amendment Act
- Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Act
- Military Veterans Act
- Protection from Harassment Act
- Science and Technology Laws Amendment Act
- Basic Education Laws Amendment Act
- State Liability Amendment Act
- Immigration Amendment Act
- Refugees Amendment Act
- Appropriation Act
- Merchant Shipping (Safe Containers Convention) Act
- Community Schemes Ombud Service Act
- Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act
- Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act
- Division of Revenue Act
- Correctional Matters Amendment Act
- Rural Development and Land Reform General Amendment Act
- Companies Amendment Act
- Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act
- Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act
- Higher Education Laws Amendment Act
- Higher Education and Training Laws Amendment Act
- Skills Development Levies Amendment Act
- Adjustments Appropriation Act
- Defence Amendment Act
- Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Amendment Act
- Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Amendment Act
- Magistrates’ Courts Amendment Act
- Births and Deaths Registration Amendment Act
- South African Citizenship Amendment Act
- Geoscience Amendment Act
- Division of Revenue Amendment Act
- Local Government: Municipal Electoral Amendment Act
- Black Authorities Act Repeal Act
- Deeds Registries Amendment Act
- Sectional Titles Amendment Act
- Transport Laws Repeal Act
- South African Postbank Limited Act
- Voluntary Disclosure Programme and Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Amendment Act
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act
- Social Assistance Amendment Act
- South African Reserve Bank Amendment Act
- Appropriation Act
- Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act
- Division of Revenue Act
- Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Act
- National House of Traditional Leaders Act
- Adjustments Appropriation Act
- Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Amendment Act
- Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Amendment Act
- Appropriation Act
- National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Amendment Act
- National Environmental Laws Amendment Act
- Civil Aviation Act
- Division of Revenue Act
- Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Act
- Financial Management of Parliament Act
- Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act
- Cross-boundary Municipalities Laws Repeal and Related Matters Amendment Act
- Western Cape Inherited Debt Relief Act
- Second-Hand Goods Act
- National Land Transport Act
- Broadcasting Amendment Act
- Films and Publications Amendment Act
- Bible Society of South Africa Act Repeal Act
- Competition Amendment Act
- Child Justice Act
- Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act
- National Conventional Arms Control Amendment Act
- Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act
- Online Games Slot 138 Trusted
- Companies Act
- Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act
- National Railway Safety Regulator Amendment Act
- Consumer Protection Act
- National Qualifications Framework Act
- Judicial Matters Amendment Act
- Criminal Procedure Amendment Act
- National Road Traffic Amendment Act
- Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act
- National Environmental Management Amendment Act
- Revenue Laws Second Amendment Act
- Revenue Laws Amendment Act
- National Environmental Management: Waste Act
- Provision of Land and Assistance Amendment Act
- South African Police Service Amendment Act
- National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act
- General Laws (Loss of Membership of National Assembly,Provincial Legislature or Municipal Council) Amendment Act
- National Youth Development Agency Act
- National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act
- Mandating Procedures of Provinces Act
- Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Researchand Development Act
- General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Amendment Act
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Act
- Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provisionof Communication-related Information Act
- The Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (Private) Act Repeal Act
- Dutch Reformed Churches Union Act Repeal Act
- Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Private) Act Repeal Act
- National Environment Laws Amendment Act
- Government Employ?ees Pension Fund (Condonation of Interrupted Service) Act
- Finance Act
- Eskom Subordinated Loan Special Appropriation Act (2008/09 – 2010/11 Financial Years)
- Adjustments Appropriation Act
- Best PG Soft Trusted Sites
- Higher Education Amendment Act
- Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Amendment Act
- Skills Development Amendment Act
- South African National Space Agency Act
- Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Amendment Act
- National Energy Act
- Refugees Amendment Act
- Liquor Products Amendment Act
- Jurisdiction of Regional Courts Amendment Act
- Renaming of High Courts Act
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act
- Insurance Laws Amendment Act
- Technology Innovation Agency Act
- Correctional Services Amendment Act
- National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act
- Housing Development Agency Act
- Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act
- Air Services Licensing Amendment Act
- Judicial Service Commission Amendment Act
- Local Government Laws Amendment Act
- Prohibition or Restriction of Certain Conventional Weapons Act
- Human Sciences Research Council Act
- Social Housing Act
- Agricultural Debt Management Repeal Act
- South African Judicial Education Institute Act
- Special Pensions Amendment Act
- Cross-Border Road Transport Amendment Act
- Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act
- National Gambling Amendment Act
- Appropriation Act
- Standards Act
- Repeal of the Black Administration Act and Amendment of Certain Laws Amendment Act
- Social Assistance Amendment Act
- National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act
- Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act
- Taxation Laws Amendment Act
- Division of Revenue Act
- Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Act
For more Acts please click here.